Reducing car use conference - 29 November

Add to Calendar 2005-11-29 2005-11-29 Europe/London Reducing car use conference - 29 November TBC
Date:29 Nov 2005
Website:Visit website


A conference - 'Reducing Car Use: Time to Get Serious' - will take place on 29 November at the Crowne Plaze Hotel, Central London.

Organised by The Waterfront Conference Company, the event will examine how people's attitudes towards their cars can be changed and suggest innovative methods of weaning people away from their car-dependency.  The event is supported by Sustrans, Transport 2000, PTEG, IHT, Carplus and Living Streets.

Speakers include representatives from Transport for London, Camden Council, CarPlus, Opinion Leader Research and LiftShare.

The LowCVP can offer four discounted places at the conference to the first applicants to email the Secretariat ( 

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