
The determination of Well-to-Tank (WTT) GHG emissions for fossil and renewable fuels, and energy vectors, plays a role in several UK climate change policies including the RTFO, the Ultra-Low Emission Bus Scheme and mandatory company carbon reporting regulations under the Climate Change Act. BEIS produces a set of national GHG emission conversion factors each year used by both policy makers and private sector. The data set covers a variety of road vehicle segments and associated tank-to-wheel GHG emissions plus WTT GHG factors for fossil fuels, biofuels and electricity.  It is important that the national GHG emission inventory retains the most representative and robust set of WTT GHG emission factors for UK road fuels and energy vectors.  LowCVP believes that the 2019 BEIS GHG emission factors for road transport should be reviewed, and recommendations made on how best to improve this data.


  • To review the BEIS 2019 WTT GHG emission factors for biofuels, electricity and hydrogen
  • To make recommendations on further work to improve confidence and assurance in reporting of WTT GHG emission figures for low carbon fuel, electricity and hydrogen
  • To collate a set of WTT GHG emission figures which better reflect current UK pathways for liquid and gaseous biofuels, hydrogen (fossil and renewable) and electricity.

Project Management & Stakeholder Engagement

LowCVP Secretariat will lead this project and work collaboratively with the FWG, DfT, REA, Transport Scotland and BEIS.

Timeline & Deliverables

July 2019 - February 2020

Deliverables Date

Paper outlining findings and recommendations

February 2020


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