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LowCVP News, 30 January 2015. (Issue 125)
LowCVP Parliamentary Reception, March 9, House of Commons

The LowCVP is hosting a Parliamentary reception in the House of Commons on the afternoon of March 9, 2015. The event will include the launch of a new report by Cambridge Econometrics - 'Fuelling Britain's Future' about the economic impact of low carbon vehicles in the UK - which has been commissioned by the European Climate Foundation. 

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Policy Developments

Second phase of £5m ULEV scheme announced

Public sector bodies such as the NHS, the fire service and the police are among 35 organisations in receipt of public funding that are being asked to bid for a share of a new £5 million funding scheme to support of the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEVs).

Government and industry in £30m project to boost auto sector skills

The government is collaborating with the leading UK vehicle manufacturers in an initiative to boost skills across the automotive sector and to help inspire the next generation of vehicle makers. With the challenge to cut carbon and other emissions and rapid technical advancement in, for example, autonomous vehicles, the collaborative approach aims to avoid what could otherwise be serious skills bottlenecks. 

Islington Council to introduce parking surcharge for diesel vehicles to tackle air quality problems

Islington Council has approved the introduction of an £8 a month (£96 a year) diesel surcharge for resident parking permits to help improve air quality in the borough.

Deadline for £35m cities scheme to promote ULEV uptake approaching

The second of three deadlines for local authorities throughout the UK to apply for a share of £35 million government funding to support the adoption of ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEVs) in cities is February 20th. 

Reports & Studies

Studies reach differing conclusions over potential for bioenergy

A new report from the University of Utrecht says that EU countries could increase biofuels production while acting to prevent unwanted land use change. However, a separate new study from the University of Princeton says that the production of bioenergy is incompatible with sustainable food production and urges policymakers to phase out forms of bioenergy that use crops or that otherwise make dedicated use of land.

ICCT report provides summary of international regulation and policies for low carbon transport

A new report from the Internatioinal Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) summarizes advances in national and international regulations intended to reduce energy use, mitigate climate change, and control air pollution from motor vehicles and fuels across eleven major vehicle markets from January 2013 through August 2014.

LowCVP News

Join the LowCVP now and get 15 months membership for the cost of 12

If you're not already a member, why not consider joining 190 other leading stakeholder organisations in accelerating the shift to low carbon vehicles and fuels? You'll have the chance to influence policy developments and connect with leading participants from government, industry, the NGO community, academia and other key stakeholders. Join before March 9 and you'll get to attend the LowCVP's Parliamentary reception (members only) and your subscription will last for up to 15 months at the cost of 12.

Climate Change News

2014 was the world's hottest year on record; recent sea level rise faster than thought

Provisional figures for 2014 show it was the UK's warmest and fourth wettest year in records dating back to 1910. The UK's mean temperature for the year was 9.9 °C; 1.1 °C above the long-term (1981-2010) average. Global temperatures followed a similar pattern, registering temperatures 0.69 °C above the 20th-century average according to US government scientists.

Industry News

SMMT review highlights strong UK auto sector performance in 2014

The Society for Automotive Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) says that 2014 was another year of success and strong investment growth for the UK motor industry. The year included significant new investments by JLR and Ford. It followed a bumper year in 2013.

Audi to invest £1.5 billion in EV development

Audi has announced that it will invest £1.5bn in the development of two new electric vehicles, planned for release by 2018. Audi launched its first plug-in vehicle in 2014; the A3 e-tron plug-in hybrid. 

International Developments

Market for EVs growing rapidly in China reports suggest

Electric vehicles are expected to account for at least 11% of all the new vehicles sold in China in the next decade on the back of growing environmental awareness and stricter regulations, a new survey has found. Meanwhile, Tesla are reported to see great market potential in the country. 

Other News

DECC launches on-line tool that shows world can cut carbon and live well

The Department for Energy and Climate Change has launched an on-line Global Calculator tool which shows that living standards can be improved at the same time as cutting carbon emissions sufficiently to limit the risk of temperatures rising by more than two degrees. Built in collaboration with international organisations from the US, China, India and Europe, the calculator is an interactive tool for businesses, NGOs and governments to consider the options for cutting carbon emissions and the trade-offs for energy and land use to 2050.

Cenex to expand low carbon vehicle master classes

Cenex is to launch a programme of master classes in low carbon technologies.a to be delivered across the UK. The scheme's expansion follows the success of Cenex’s pilot course. 

UK Government loaned £1.7bn for overseas fossil fuel projects despite commitments

The UK provided £1.7bn in loans to fossil fuel projects around the world despite promising to withdraw financial support from such schemes, an analysis of loans made by the UK’s export credit agency showed. 


Horizon 2020: Smart, Green & Integrated Transport Information Day - Brussels

The next round of calls under the Smart, Green and Integrated Transport challenge of Horizon 2020 is on track. To support the preparation of proposals, the Transport Directorate of the European Commission's Research and Innovation Directorate-General is organising an Information Day.

Horizon 2020: Smart, Green & Integrated Transport Information Day - Brussels

The next round of calls under the Smart, Green and Integrated Transport challenge of Horizon 2020 is on track. To support the preparation of proposals, the Transport Directorate of the European Commission's Research and Innovation Directorate-General is organising an Information Day.

Rushlight Show and Awards

The 6th Rushlight Show is taking place on Thursday 29 January 2015 at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London. The event includes a Funding Cleantech Conference, exhibition, Resource Reuse Conference, Sustainable Solutions Market Panel and Isle fo Man Breakfast Seminar.



Fuels Working Group,  25 February 2014, Shell International (tbc). On the agenda: 2015-16 work programme; report on the Transport Energy Task Force recommendations for fuel policy; Infrastructure Roadmap; Advanced fuels.

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Innovation Working Group, 4 March 2015, (Transport System Catapult, Milton Keynes). On the agenda: 2015-16 work programme; report on the potential for L category vehicles in the UK; regional support for SMEs; H2020 funding opportunities and consortium building.
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Bus Working Group, 28 April 2015, (venue tbc). On the agenda: 2015-16 work programme update; OLEV consultation and feedback; LCEB monitoring, LCEB accreditation procedure progress; LCEB regional workshop feedback. 

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Passenger Car Working Group, 6 May 2015, (FIA Foundation, WC2). On the agenda: 2015-16 work programme update; OLEV consultation and feedback; LEV Guide, tool and microsite update, Policy framework project update. 

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Joint Group Working Projects5 March 2015, (SMMT, SW1). On the agenda: 2015-16 work programme planning.
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LowCVP Board meeting, 26 March 2015. On the agenda: election of Chair/Vice Chair, approve grant offer, sign off budget 2015/2016, LowCVP Annual Conference.
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Help steer the policy and build the markets by joining the Partnership..

Current activities and projects taking place in each of the LowCVP's Working Groups: more information.



» Paris mayor to prevent access for diesel vehicles (The Telegraph)

» Low Emission Strategy launched in Scotland (Scottish Govt)

» EAC Letter to DEFRA on local air quality monitoring

» Under use of London electric car chargers revealed (RAC Foundation)

» Beijing pilots street lamp chargers for EVs

» TUC New Report - Green innovation: industrial policy for a low carbon future

» Low Carbon car display at CSR Awards at Mercedes Benz World

» California governor makes ambitious pledges on climate, low carbon vehicles

» Toyota shares fuel cell patents to encourage hydrogen market

» Richard Branson and Amory Lovins create mega think tank for clean energy (eceee)

» SMMT to hold industry air quality debate 11 Feb

» £25m rural minibus fund launched (Bus and Coach Buyer)

» Bristol to trial emissions-conscious buses (CIHT)

» Chevrolet reveals updated Volt and Bolt EV concept (What Car?)

» Low emission cars unveiled in Detroit (Business Green)

» Shareholders challenge BP to confront climate change risk (Guardian)

» £9m Govt funding for integrated transport solutions via Innovate UK

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Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership, 3 Birdcage Walk, London, SW1H 9JJ

www.lowcvp.org.uk | secretariat@lowcvp.org.uk | +44 (0)20 7304 6880
Newsletter editor: Neil Wallis | neil.wallis@lowcvp.org.uk | Currently 2500+ subscribers

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